What happens on settlement day?
Possibly the most exciting and nerve wracking day of the process both at the same time – settlement day is the day you pay for the new...
Does the first home buyers grant still exist in Sydney?
A common question we are asked is - does the grant still exist – and the answer is technically yes, but also no. The grant itself is rare...
What is an offset account? How it can save you $1,000s
Article by Sean Callery for money.com.au What is an offset account? An offset account is a home loan feature that allows you to use your...
Debunking the Myth: Does Weekly or Fortnightly Repayments Really Pay off Your Loan Faster?
How do weekly repayments help you pay your loan off sooner? (Fortnightly works too!) Quite simply, and a two fold effect: 1 – The sooner...
What's on your credit report & how long will it be there for?
Our friends at LoanU have produced this handy guide to how long adverse notes on your credit report will remain.
10 Tips to get the best valuation - from a valuer
Our friends at WBP group have offered some salient tips to get the best from your valuation - check out their top 10 and download their...
A quick (fun) look at how an offset account works!!
From our sister website homeloancomparison.com.au You've probably heard of an offset account - you may even have one - but do you...
Pre-approvals in a rising interest rate market.
The current lending market is a moving feast, and very challenging to keep up with – especially when you’re actively looking for your new...
Your data and security
As mortgage brokers we are privileged with your trust, and this includes obviously providing us with significant amounts of your personal...
The fixed rate quandary
This article is really only pertinent in the current rate environment which is mid 2022 – with the Reserve Bank increasing interest rates...