Calendar reminders to warn of large bills.
If you find managing your bills challenging – one tip may be to set a calendar reminder for subscription payments and due dates. You may...

Saving for a rainy day has never felt more relevant.
According to CBA in 2020 Australians amassed a huge $200billion in savings (https://www.businessinsider.com.au/australian-pandemic-saving...

Eating out is so last year - this year we are cooking at home.
2020, the year Covid taught us all how much we had been spending dining out… so many clients reported extraordinary savings in 2020 not...

Budget ratio - define your own
Often, people want to know how much they "should" be spending, or saving, or what an average looks like for someone like them. In absence...

Write up a budget to identify opportunities
Budget…. Is not a dirty word. When we say budget we don’t mean cut out all the niceties – we mean understand where your spending is going...

Create a plan & work towards your goals
The next step towards achieving a savings goal is to break it down into chunks – how much can you save each week, fortnight, or month?...

What you need to know if you're applying for an investment loan - article for Canstar
Full article here How easy is it to get an investment loan? Here’s a guide to some of the things lenders look for. If you are thinking...

Create a goal to motivate you while saving
Did you ever play Bejeweled Blitz? I know… very 2000’s but one thing that stuck with me is the daily 3 star challenge – hit the targets...