Myth busting: Brokers choose their loans based on commission. Rubbish.
Thats the the point - the better I look after you the better I am looked after, it's a win-win scenarios. I never even look at the commi
What you pay while you're building your brand new home
Buying land and building a home in NSW follows the following rough schedule and here’s what you can expect to pay as you’re building....
A small renovation, like a new kitchen, could cost you as little as $40 a week, or nothing at all if
Most of us are living with at least one home feature that we don’t love – a kitchen, a bathroom, old deck or lack of car accommodation –...
Beware the cost of lost opportunity
Occasionally we are presented with opportunities that we know or believe would make a difference in our lives – and sometimes they are...
What does a broker do?
First up – I have an amazing job that I love and even better it’s a win – win, the better I do for you the better it is for me. I’m a...
How do we go about building a new home?
Are you considering buying a house and land package or buying vacant land and building a new home? I absolutely love building; I...